You Should Use You Should Use

November 18, 2018    shell taskwarrior cli

A while ago I installed a zsh plugin to remind me of my plugins called You Should Use (ysu). The idea behind it is fairly simple, if you have configured an alias for a given command, it will remind you about that alias if you use the command directly, rather call it via the alias. For example, when I use task warrior to mark a task completed, I may type:

task 6 done

Since I have a zsh plugin with aliases for Task Warrior installed, ysu returns the following message before executing the command:

Found existing alias for "task". You should use: "t"

This indicates that I could have used t 6 done to mark my sixth task as completed, saving a few key strokes. By default, the command then executes as normal. The plugin also has a hardcore mode that requires the use of existing aliases before executing a command.

Turn your interactive shell into a more inviting place by adding ysu to it today. Start using those aliases you installed with plugins and forgot about or never knew about,

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